What are some approaches for sealing water leaks at concrete wall and floor defects?

What are some approaches for sealing water leaks at concrete wall and floor defects?

There are three basic approaches for sealing water leaks at concrete wall and floor defects. These approaches include:

1. Backside Injection; whereby a grout material is deposited behind the wall or floor crack/joint and/or into the earth backfill. The grout material solidifies the soil and plugs the point of origin of leaking water.

2. Internal or Interception Injection; whereby a grout material is deposited into the internal concrete crack/joint. The crack or joint is internally intercepted and grout fills the crack/joint from internal to external face.

3. Surface Seal; whereby a grout, mortar, sealant, or composite material is surface applied over the leaking crack/joint; or said leaking crack/joint is partially routed-out and plugged with a water impedance material.