StrongPIPE® SCL System

In response to pipeline applications involving repair or renewal of extended runs of large diameter pipelines using trenchless methods, STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES created the StrongPIPE® SCL system. This unique composite system is made up of layers of reinforcing steel wire and fiber-reinforced polymer to provide fully structural repairs and upgrades to pipe segments. The StrongPIPE® SCL system is applicable to all types of pipelines and is installed internally starting at pipe diameters of 42 inches and above.

StrongPIPE® SCL is a proprietary solution which combines the benefits of steel reinforcement with FRP to create a high-value trenchless repair system for large diameter pipe. Custom designed for each application, StrongPIPE® SCL combines layers of reinforcing steel and FRP to create a fully structural strengthening system for renewal or restoration of damaged/weakened large-diameter concrete or metallic pipelines. StrongPIPE® SCL utilizes a continuously wound steel reinforcement that with the FRP forms a composite liner inside the existing pipe.


Composite System Features

  • Fully structural repair system – custom designed to address all internal pressure and external loads
  • Lower installed cost compared to other rehabilitation alternatives
  • Low profile system (typically 3/8-inch to 1-inch)
  • Long term lifecycle extension of pipeline assets
  • Extended reaches or segmental repairs of pipe
  • Restores full functional capacity of distressed, degraded or damaged pipelines
  • Upgrade the structural capacity of an existing pipe allowing increased operating pressure
  • No excavation needed – access through standard manholes
  • NSF 61 and Annex G certified for drinking water pipelines
  • Minimal downtime and impact to operations

StrongPIPE® V-Wrap™ Cured Laminate Design Values

strong pipe cross section
  1. Existing Pipe
  2. 1st Longitudinal Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Ply
  3. Steel Tensile Reinforcement
  4. Polymer or Concrete Encapsulation
  5. 2nd Longitudinal FRP Ply
  6. Durability Topcoat
pipeco wire medium
Product NameProduct DescriptionTechnical Data SheetSafety Data Sheet
Steel Tensile ReinforcementASTM 881 Steel Wire N/A N/A
V-Wrap™ EG5027 oz per square yard (915 g/m2) unidirectional glass fiber fabricTechnical Data SheetSafety Data Sheet
V-Wrap™ EG50B24 oz per square yard (813 g/m2) unidirectional glass fiber fabricTechnical Data SheetSafety Data Sheet
V-Wrap™ 770Epoxy AdhesiveTechnical Data SheetSafety Data Sheet
881 steel wire properties

Pipe Rehabilitation Engineering Support

Solutions For:

• Change in Code
• Increased Loads
• Missing or Misplaced Reinforcement
• Deterioration
• Low Concrete Strength
• New Penetrations & Openings
• Seismic Upgrade
Force Protection
Pipe Rehabilitation

Pipe Rehabilitation Team Leader

Read more about our products and applications on our  pipeline rehabilitation solution builder page

Design-Assist & Engineered Product Support

• Investigation Support
• Solution Development
• Budget Development
• Specification Assistance
• Constructability Consulting
• Application Engineering
• Quality Control Programs
• Project-Specific Design-Assist