Rotating Equipment
Foundation Solutions
Comprehensive Rotating
Equipment Foundation Solutions
Rotating and reciprocating equipment foundation systems are subjected to dynamic forces – which over time can lead to degradation – which may significantly impact the performance of the machinery they are designed to support.
STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES offers highly specialized assessment and engineering services for equipment foundation systems. These services are designed to complement and enhance machinery analysis. The objective of a comprehensive condition assessment is to identify the root cause of problems and the level of damage.
Products & Design Support
Our team helps to select the best materials and technologies including items such as concrete, grout and anchor bolts to improve the performance and longevity of the foundation system. Our solutions are comprehensive and address major considerations when working with dynamic machinery and their foundations.
Turnkey Solutions
When STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES teams with one of our repair and maintenance companies – we offer our turnkey Investigate-Design-Build (IDB) approach to provide a seamless process from initial design through installation with single-source responsibility. This approach is ideally suited for industrial and power clients looking to perform repair and maintenance during scheduled turnarounds and outages.
Gas/Steam Turbines
Turbo Pumps
- Centrifuges
- Engines
Investigation, Testing & Analysis of Foundation Systems
STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES offers a range of testing and deliverables to thoroughly assess and analyze the condition of a foundation system, aimed at identifying the root cause of deterioration. An initial assessment may include review of the foundation system design, equipment data and a visual observation with the equipment running. If a full condition assessment is required, STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES performs a series of advanced testing to determine the condition of the foundation system.
Foundation Vibration Analysis
Foundation Vibration Analysis
Designed to complement and enhance owners’ in-house machinery analysis, our engineers utilize the data acquired to perform free vibration, harmonic and steady state analysis to study the foundation behavior under load.
Finite Element Analysis
Finite Element Analysis
Vibration data is used in conjunction with Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to model various repair solutions to predict future performance of the foundation system – to help select the best repair solution.
Non-Destructive Testing
Non-Destructive Testing
• Foundation Vibration Monitoring
• Load Cell (Anchor Bolt Testing)
• Acoustic Impact
• Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
• Impact Echo
• Ground Penetrating Radar
• Rebound Hammer
Semi-Destructive & Lab Testing
Semi-Destructive & Lab Testing
• Sample Extraction
• Borescope
• Soil Testing
• pH testing/carbonation depth
• Chloride ion content
• Compressive strength
• ASR testing
Reporting on Foundation Condition Assessment
If a full condition assessment is required, STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES performs a series of advanced testing to determine the condition of the foundation system. Following the field investigation, the client receives a comprehensive report that includes:
- Investigation summary
- Laboratory summary
- Data analysis
- Foundation behavior modeling (with vibration monitoring)
- Root cause determination
By incorporating the capabilities of our contracting companies, our final report and client briefing can also provide repair alternatives and their associated order of magnitude repair investments.
Equipment Foundation Design & Engineering Support
Equipment Foundation Testing & Analysis:
• Foundation vibration monitoring
• Finite element analysis
• Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)
• Semi-Destructive Testing (SDT)
Common Solutions for Foundations:
• Foundation repair & modification
• Grout replacement
• Anchor bolt repair & replacement
• Chock replacement
• Sole plate grouting & replacement
• Strengthening & post-tensioning
Equipment Foundation Team Leader
Read more about our products and applications on our equipnt foundation solution builder page
Design-Assist & Engineered Product Support
• Investigation Support
• Solution Development
• Budget Development
• Specification Assistance
• Constructability Consulting
• Application Engineering
• Quality Control Programs
• Project-Specific Design-Assist
Engineered Solution Development
Whether repairing the foundation or modifying it for new equipment, designing a solution should incorporate the latest technologies for the unique operating conditions of rotating equipment. Selecting the best materials and technologies for items such as concrete, grout and anchor bolts can dramatically improve the performance and longevity of the foundation system. Our solutions are comprehensive and address major considerations when working with dynamic machinery and their foundations.
1) Design (Code)
Design (Code)
Our solutions address relevant codes and industry best practices such as:
•Foundation geometry
•Detailing reinforcement
2) Material Selection
Material Selection
•Anchor bolts & leveling
•Crack repair materials
•Baseplates & soleplates
•Protective coatings
•Soil stabilization
3) Means & Methods
Means & Methods
Our team develops installation-specific quality assurance and quality control programs to address key areas:
•Surface preparation
•Material preparation
•Reinforcing system details
•Formwork & placement techniques
Products for Equipment Foundations
STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES offers advanced products and systems that can help solve challenges specific to rotating equipment foundations: