Tstrata Specialty Concrete Mixes™
Engineered Solutions for Concrete Restoration Materials
Our concrete specialists combine their expertise with STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES’ other field support staff to develop, test and provide quality control over the design and custom development of both the product and its application techniques. Our testing labs provide additional quality control over our bagged materials and our application labs allow us to lab test required field properties to ensure custom mixes produce the required field performance properties that they are custom designed to achieve.
Along with premium material performance our concrete product solutions include engineered technology as part of the standard installation means and methods. This integration of product and engineered technology creates not only superior performance but higher reliability in the field to ensure that the design and required performance of our material is actually achieved in the field on a consistent basis. This helps to minimize the potential for field application problems that impact designed performance.
Concrete Mix Design Elements
Our engineering and field staff develop comprehensive mix designs that integrate pressurized forming systems with our proprietary products to maximize bond with the existing structural member being repaired.
Tstrata Specialty Concrete Mixes™
Tstrata Specialty Concrete Mixes™
Our designs utilize high strength flowable Tstrata Specialty Concrete Mixes™ to allow for improved consolidation in congested reinforcement zones, as well as improved bond with the existing structure.
Pressurized Forms
Pressurized Forms
Our advanced form and pump technology creates pressure to force the new concrete into the prepared surface, creating a monolithic interface between the existing substrate and the new repair material.
Steel Reinforcement
Steel Reinforcement
Our concrete repair designs can also be reinforced with additional mild steel or post-tensioning to increase strength and improve serviceability performance.
Tstrata Specialty Concrete Mixes™
The goal of Tstrata Specialty Mix designs is to achieve the high physical properties and special placement characteristics of bagged materials for large volume repair projects needing the cost efficiency of ready mix production. Our concrete material experts and in-house labs have the ability to work with suppliers to achieve high performance in a ready mix design by modifying and specifying the proper:
- Cementitious Materials
- Mixture Proportions
- Aggregate size and type
- Admixtures (water reducing, set controlling, shrinkage control)
- Required curing methods
We can specially design mixes to achieve properties such as:
- High early strength
- Ultimate strengths exceeding 16,000 PSI
- Sulfate resistance
- Controlled shrinkage to reduce cracking
- Improved abrasion resistance
- High resistivity for other applications
- Low permeability
- Self compacting for difficult to pump applications or to reduce labor
Concrete Repair Engineering Support
Comprehensive Support
Our solution-building teams have the experience to assist owners and our engineering partners in providing a range of support services including investigation support, solution development, cost and constructability analysis, and design/assist.
Concrete Repair Team Leader
Read more about our products and applications on our concrete repair solution builder page
Design-Assist & Engineered Product Support
• Investigation Support
• Solution Development
• Budget Development
• Specification Assistance
• Constructability Consulting
• Application Engineering
• Quality Control Programs
• Project-Specific Design-Assist