Timber Pile Repair & Strengthening Systems

Timber Pile Repair & Strengthening Systems

Timber piles are often found in industrial facilities, supporting pipe racks and utilities connecting units together. The integrity of timber piles is critical to plant safety and keeping facilities operational. Timber piles are prone to deterioration from a variety of mechanisms, but the most common are moisture, chemicals, insects and fungi.

STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES offers an extensive line of products and technical services to restore and enhance the load-carrying capacity of timber piles that are used to support pipe racks or other utilities throughout industrial facilities. Our in-house design team helps develop customized solutions to help solve the most complex structural challenges.

Timber Doc

V-Wrap™ GFRP Timber Pile Restoration System

Timber piles placed in soil, are subject to a variety of deterioration mechanisms including bug infestation, fungus and dry rot. Additionally, timber piles over time will shrink which may cause internal voids that impact their strength. STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES’ V-Wrap™ Timber Pile Restoration Systems combine lightweight, high-strength glass fibers bonded with adhesive resins to a formed concrete jacket to restore deteriorated timber piles structural capacity and provide long-term protection.

Timber Pile With Glass Fiber Reinforcement From Left Side

Tstrata™ Fiberglass Jacket Timber Pile Restoration System

Timber piles placed in soil, are subject to a variety of deterioration mechanisms including bug infestation, fungus and dry rot. Additionally, timber piles over time will shrink which may cause internal voids that impact their strength. STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES’ Tstrata™ Fiberglass Jacket Timber Pile Restoration System utilizes a rigid shell that serves as a stay-in-place form for concrete and epoxy materials that restore deteriorated
timber piles structural capacity and provide long-term protection.

Timber Pile With Jacket Clip Geo PhysCamera003 11 11 2019

Timber Pile Repair & Maintenance Services

Timber Pile Bad

STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES’ contracting companies have offices across the United States and the Middle East – providing industry-leading repair and maintenance services to make structures stronger and last longer. When installing STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES’ equipment foundation products and systems, our contracting companies provide our clients with the reassurance that our technology solutions are being installed by experienced professionals with the highest standards for quality control and safety.

Integrated Investigate-Design-Build Solutions

Combining repair services, engineered products and engineering support services in conjunction with its engineering partners, STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES’ companies provide an integrated Investigate-Design-Build (IDB) approach to provide a seamless process from initial design through installation with single-source responsibility.