In-Situ Load Testing A theoretical procedure to design a Cyclic Load Test on a Reinforced Concrete Two-Way Slab Floor System

In-Situ Load Testing A theoretical procedure to design a Cyclic Load Test on a Reinforced Concrete Two-Way Slab Floor System

The objective of this paper is to showcase to an engineer who is considering performing a diagnostic cyclic load test a theoretical procedure for determining the patch load, which when applied to a two-way reinforced concrete (RC) slab floor system would generate internal forces at critical locations equal to those resulting from the uniformly distributed load. This procedure should also help the practitioner to define a representative model of the structure and to update the magnitude of the target load at the end of each loading and unloading cycle by means of a real-time evaluation of boundary conditions and slab stiffness. The routine to design a cyclic load test is described theoretically first and then validated with the results of a load test on a concrete two-way RC slab floor system.