Pipeline owners have completed many in-situ repairs of large diameter PCCP over the past several years utilizing fiber reinforced polymer composites (FRP). FRP is one of the most successful trenchless repair methods for full structural upgrade to specific pipe sections. During the design and field activities, owners, engineers and contractors at times encounter and have to work together to overcome challenges. One such problem is when the existing concrete substrate is not compliant with proposed Standard requirements. Through owner-engineer-contractor collaboration, design and construction solutions to resolve poor substrate conditions have been developed. In addition, innovative techniques for surface preparation of concrete and metallic substrates have resulted from tackling and overcoming these conditions. It is by sharing this knowledge and these concepts that the growing industry standard for FRP upgrades and repairs will be improved. This paper will provide up to date information on construction best practices, along with input on how to address substrate deficiencies.
Available through arrangement with the American Society of Civil Engineers. Copyright 2014