Splash Series
STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES invites owners and consultants of medium to large diameter pipelines to join us for our upcoming virtual workshop program–SPLASH Webinar Series: Pipeline Asset Management.
This 4-part interactive, educational webinar series, 1-hour each, covers timely topics from pipeline degradation modes, investigation and upgrade techniques, and how to manage emergent pipeline repair needs. Also included is a workshop on our recent ENR award-winning project assisting in a long-term upgrade on an LADWP critical pipeline system.
You can register for one, two or all four and a Certificate of Attendance will be provided for all participants (upon request). Details on the four-part series are below:
Large Diameter Pipelines: Failure Mechanisms & Degradation Modes: Tuesday, April 7 @ 2PM EST

Webinar Description:
• Overview of pipeline degradation modes
• Review of common failure mechanisms
• Assessment and addressing results proactively
• Pipeline rehabilitation options
Project Profile: LADWP Haiwee Penstock Rehab (2019 ENR Best-of-the-Best Award): Thursday, April 9 @ 2PM EST

Webinar Description:
- Project overview – addresses 9,420 LF of riveted steel penstock
- Combination of solutions drives value
- Carbon fiber for difficult-to-access portions of
replacement scopes
Pipeline Asset Management Strategies: Tuesday, April 14 @ 2PM EST

Webinar Description:
- Condition assessment of large diameter pipelines
- Inspection tools and techniques
- Managing and prioritizing inspection results
- Design approach, material selection and installation
of pipeline rehabilitation systems
Project Profiles: Emergent Pipeline Repairs: Thursday, April 16 @ 2PM EST

Webinar Description:
- Santa Clara: Critical 78-inch transmission pipeline
- Washington DC: 210-inch brick sewer crack mitigation
- Miami-Dade: Emergency Response Team (ERT) for pipeline repairs