
STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES is firmly committed to its ongoing mission of making new and existing structures stronger and last longer. We develop and integrate products with engineering support services to provide our value-added solutions to designers, engineering professionals, contractors, and owners across a broad range of end user markets.


Products for Existing Structures

For existing infrastructure, STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES’ products and solutions repair deterioration or damage, strengthen and improve the durability of structures.

Structural Strengthening

Structural Strengthening
Advanced systems used to restore or increase the load-carrying capacity of reinforced concrete, masonry, timber and steel.

Corrosion Control

Corrosion Control
Systems for controlling corrosion in reinforced concrete and steel infrastructure.

Post-Tensioning Repair

Post-Tensioning Repair
Products and systems for the repair and modification of post-tensioned reinforcement systems.

Moisture Control

Moisture Control
Engineered solutions and unique technologies to solve moisture challenges in concrete structures.

Seismic Retrofit & Repair

Seismic Retrofit & Repair
Advanced strengthening systems for seismic upgrade of concrete, masonry and soft-story structures.

Tstrata Concrete Repair™

Tstrata Concrete Repair™
Specialized concrete repair systems and custom ready-mix designs for maximizing performance of repairs.

Force Protection

Force Protection
Advanced composites and structural systems to harden structures from natural and man-made threats.

Pipe Rehabilitation

Pipe Rehabilitation
Systems for restoration of damaged and/or weakened pressure pipelines and pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipes (PCCP)

Products & Systems for New Construction

For new construction, our products and solutions can improve the performance, protect and extend the life of structures, as well as correct construction defects. We supply the industry with proven products, such as VSL branded post-tensioning systems and V-Wrap composite strengthening systems.

Post-Tensioning Systems

Post-Tensioning Systems
Advanced concrete reinforcement products utilizing high-strength steel strands or bars.

Prestressed Concrete Tanks

Prestressed Concrete Tanks
Prestressed concrete tanks reinforced with P-T tendons to actively reinforce the structure and significantly enhance watertightness and long-term durability.

Shear Reinforcement

Shear Reinforcement
Products that enhance shear transfer at column/slab connections – eliminating conventional shear reinforcement, such as rebar stirrups, column capitals, and drop panels.

Stay Cable System

Stay Cable System
Modular stay cable system to meet the requirements demanded for the design, construction and maintenance of cable-stayed and suspended bridges.

Barrier Cable

Barrier Cable
Vehicular and pedestrian barrier systems feature galvanized strands and anchors that can be packaged to include turnkey design, fabrication and installation.

Bridge Erection & Construction Systems

Bridge Erection & Construction Systems
Construction of large bridges and related infrastructure with specialized construction systems including equipment, gantries and engineering support.

Structural Strengthening

Structural Strengthening
Advanced systems used to correct design and construction defects.

Force Protection Systems

Force Protection Systems
Advanced composites and structural systems to protect and harden bridge elements from natural and man-made threats.

Product Design & Engineering Support

STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES’ staff of engineers, technical support, and field installation specialists integrate with engineers, architects, designers and contractors to provide a diverse range of design support services for our products and technologies.

Design Support Services

• Investigation Support
• Solution Development
• Budget Development
• Specification Assistance
• Constructability Consulting
• Application Engineering
• Quality Control Programs
• Project-Specific Design-Assist

Team Leaders

Each of our product lines is led by industry experts. Visit our solution builder pages to interact with our subject matter experts, and read more about products and applications.


• Concrete Repair
• Structural Strengthening
• Pipeline Rehabilitation
• Post-Tensioning
• Post-Tensioning Repair
• Corrosion Control
• Moisture Control
• Seismic Repair & Retrofit
• Prestressed Concrete Tanks
• Rotating Equipment Foundations

Contracting Services

STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES is firmly committed to its ongoing mission of making new and existing structures stronger and last longer. We develop and integrate products with engineering support services to provide our value-added solutions to designers, engineering professionals, contractors, and owners across a broad range of end user markets.


Our Contracting Arms

PULLMAN Specialty Contracting integrates technology-driven, engineered solutions into its industry-leading specialty contracting services – including design-build services for new and existing structures as well as a wide range of repair and maintenance services. As a signatory to local, national, and international labor agreements, PULLMAN has access to a large base of skilled craftsmen across the country to supplement its own full-time workers in local offices on the East and West Coasts and the Midwest.


STRUCTURAL Specialty Contracting integrates technology-driven solutions with specialty contracting services to improve, protect, and enhance the existing infrastructure of owners directly and in partnership with designers and contractors worldwide.



STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES is a company full of career possibilities. We are committed to ensuring each employee has an opportunity for professional growth and we offer a teamwork environment that is dynamic and positive.

The STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES team meets the needs of our customers by providing innovative and value-added solutions to infrastructure challenges in the Commercial/Public, Water/Wastewater, Transportation, Industrial and Power markets. STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES’ commitment to company-wide collaboration allows us to provide the best solutions for our clients and the best possible opportunities for our employees.