Heavy Lifting, Lowering, & Sliding

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Heavy Lifting, Lowering, & Sliding


The STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES / VSL Heavy Lifting method, using hydraulic equipment, is one of the safest and most reliable ways to maneuver and place large structural components. By using multiple jacks and the wedge system, the lift becomes a highly controlled, safe operation. Additionally, we can also provide monitoring equipment that gives instant feedback on conditions and jack operation.

Turnkey Services
STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES / VSL offers a complete range of services for the planning, engineering, equipment supply and execution of any heavy lifting project, including:

  • Feasibility studies
  • Project design and planning, equipment specification, scheduling and budgeting
  • Design and supply of special equipment and temporary structures
  • Field supervision and support technicians

Contact Us

To learn more about how we can provide the right solution for your infrastructure project, complete the form below to connect with our Solution Builders.

    VSL 2C Whitetext

    STRUCTURAL TECHNOLOGIES is the exclusive manufacturer of VSL post-tensioning products and construction systems in the United States. Our manufacturing facilities in the United States are certified by PTI’s Plant Certification Program to ensure the highest quality fabrication of materials.