2023 City Of Fayettesville Trenchless Pipeline Tour Discussion Rev 3

Join us for an On-going Project Site Visit & Technical Discussion of a 48-inch Trenchless Pipeline Renewal.

The City of Fayetteville Arkansas is completing a design-build structural upgrade of 925 LF of 48-inch sewer pipe encased in a 72-inch steel tunnel casing running directly underneath of I-49. Upon inspection, damage to the pipe was identified due to deterioration of the steel tunnel casing on top of the pipe.

The renewal plan includes a bypass system, shoring, grouting in the annular space between the existing pipe and steel encasement, soil stabilization, and installation of the Structural Technologies V-Wrap Carbon Fiber System, designed as a stand-alone repair with a 50-year service life.

This interactive technical site visit is being conducted to provide guests the opportunity to learn about the options analysis process for this repair and a detailed up-close look at the construction aspects and logistics for pipeline repair and upgrade.


10:00 am – 10:15 am Introductions – City of Fayetteville, Project Team
10:15 am – 11:00 am Design-build approach, condition assessment, options analysis, technical vetting of repair process, project review
11:00 am – 12:30 pm Site visit with live observation of bypass system, material preparation, & discussion of on-going repair installation
12:30 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch, open discussion, and networking